
Thanksgiving Weekend 2015 Day 3

I consider today day 3 of Thanksgiving weekend because Day 1 was the day before Thanksgiving and we went on a family adventure to NYC to see the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade balloons being inflated. I’ll have the post about that story coming soon.

Today was Day 3 and I am grateful for the beautiful weather we had. It’s been unusually warm for this holiday weekend. After sleeping in today (woo hoo!), and learning that the elves had arrived and put up our Christmas tree while everone was asleep last night, I got some work done on the computer and then worked on purging more crap from our bedroom and bathroom as we prepare to move into our new bedroom space soon.

The day had been getting away from me, and I wanted to take the kids for a bike ride today since it was so nice out. Finally at 3:00 we hit the road. We took our normal route but I wanted to see if they would make it up to the vineyard near our house. They weren’t complaining so we went for it. It was a beautiful ride. We got up to the vineyard to find people riding horses and the sun was getting ready to set soon. It was a spectacular view!



Gouveia vineyards
Gouveia vineyards








After our nice ride, we returned home to seeing our Christmas lights in the yard that my husband set up while we were out and then I did a quick weights work out with my daughter before we went to have our second Thanksgiving with my parents and brother.



It’s been a great Thanksgiving weekend so far, one of the best in a while.  Looking forward to the rest of the activities still to come this weekend and also during the holiday season in December.



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